Introduction: This assignment was to write about a meaningful moment in life. We are meant to show a scene in our life that had an impact on us. I picked a moment in my life where I was with my best friend and I was at my happiest because those moments define me the most.
The rope swing had become a place of familiarity, on hot days when boredom seemed inevitable we went to the rope swing for entertainment. It was well worn, and the rope was crusted with dirt and dust from over the years. It most likely wasn't safe to use anymore, because if it broke you would plummet down into a ditch where there was only the slightest flow of water and rocks to greet you. There was a tree next to the rope swing that we would climb up and jump out of. I had a reputation of being a dare devil so I climbed the tree and jumped higher than anyone. At first I was just falling in the air, gripping onto the rope swing for dear life. Then the rope caught and I was swinging wildly out of control. I was sure I was going to slam into a neighboring tree and this would be my last moment. The last memory of my life would be me on a rope swing before I would be lying dead at the bottom of the ditch among the rocks. But the rope swing started to slow and the trees grew farther away, I was fine. I relaxed and laughed nervously as I looked at my friend, Annie Welden, who was clapping wildly because I had done the daring. But we weren't done yet. We wanted to try something new, something we thought wouldn't be as dangerous. We decided to go on the rope swing at the same time. I put my foot in then she put hers and we stacked them together. She gripped her hands on the rope and said, "Okay here we go." My hands were not on the rope yet, and in that moment I panicked but I didn't have time to think because before I knew it I was being dragged down the hill with only my foot still in the rope swing. I was upside down, dragged across the dirt and the rock, praying that it would end soon. Finally the swing stopped and I hung above the ditch a few feet from the ground. Annie lifted her food and I plopped on the ground and we started to laugh hysterically. We laughed and laughed and we couldn't stop. Then I noticed something weird about Annie, she had peed in her pants because she was laughing so hard. That just added to our laugher and in that moment I can't remember a time where I was happier, just sitting at the bottom of the ditch covered in dirt and scrapes with my best friend who had peed herself.
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